Climate Change & Environmental Sustainability Projects

Climate Change & Environmental Sustainability

VOSIEDA assesses the impacts of climate change on ecosystems and undertakes multi-stakeholder dialogues to protect vulnerable natural resources. Also, through ecosystem-based mitigation, adaptation, and disaster risk reduction, we work with partners and local communities to carries out field projects to protect and conserve the tropical forest, biodiversity, mangroves, and coastal ecosystems. Besides, we particularly work to advance gender equality in natural resources management, including through women’s empowerment and valuing the unique knowledge, roles, and capacities of women, as key to effective, efficient, equitable, and sustainable environmental solutions.

The projects presented below are a few projects implemented in this sector. There are many projects carried out by VOSIEDA that are not included. For information on specific project or program, please get in touch with any of our team members. E-mail:

Building Community Resilience to Climate Impacts and Livelihood Support through Climate Smart Small-Scale Farming

Sustainable Charcoal and Efficient Cookstoves Technologies for Liberia

Climate Resilient Agriculture and Ecosystem – Based Adaptation, Liberia

Green Livelihoods Alliance – Forested Landscapes for Equity in Liberia

Light Up Our Futures

Enhancing Resilience of Vulnerable Communities to Climate Change in Liberia