Our impacts
In 2024, our main goals are sustainable development and peace to tackle poverty, preserve the environment, and create a significant impact on West Africa. We are leading the way in this effort and invite you to discover our progress, impact, and accountability, which showcase our dedication to achieving even more.
2023 - Year in Review
We are driving sustainable development, striving to end poverty, and helping communities to protect, manage, and value their natural assets.
VOSIEDA uses results-based monitoring and evaluation or (RbM&E). But what does VOSIEDA referred to as RbM&E?
Results-based monitoring and evaluation (RbM&E) is a systematic approach used by VOSIEDA’s Program Quality and Learning Department to track results and performance, based on a transparent and reflective logical and result-framework approach. We also use RbM&E to measure our impacts through evaluations. Monitoring is an established practice of internal oversight within our organization use to continuously provide our Board of Directors and management early indications of progress, or lack thereof, in the achievement of results in both operational and financial activities. Our RbM&E serves the dual purpose of increasing effectiveness, organizational learning, and informed decision making, as well as ensuring accountability and transparency to all our stakeholders. In this manner, our supporters, partners, donors, and most importantly, our beneficiaries, can expect the most effective approaches in responding to the identified needs. Below are the progress we’ve made over the last five years.
Climate and Environmental Sustainability - 2022
We empower communities to protect the environment and nature resources that everyone depends on for livelihoods, fresh water and clean air.
1, 500, 000 people and communities help to protect, manage and value their natural assets.
People have benefited from improvements in the management of forest and other natural resources.
Food Security and Livelihood Enhancements - 2022
We empower smallholder farmers to transform agriculture from lonely struggles for survival to business enterprises capable of increasing incomes and improving food security
22,728 smallholder farmers have been empowered to turn their agricultural practices into a sustainable and profitable business, even in the face of a changing climate.
Small-scale farmers have increased food security, incomes and adopted sustainable practices.
Women's Empowerment and Gender Equality - 2022
We empower women, girls and youths to defeat poverty and achieve equality. We focus on women and girls because we believe we cannot overcome poverty until everyone has equal rights and opportunities.
3 250 Women headed households empowered to defeat poverty and achieve equality.
Women and youths have improved their socioeconomic status. Supported 200 women and youth led small business and social enterprises.
Governance and Social Accountability - 2022
We work for participatory and inclusive political processes and institutions; greater accountability to citizens and to the law; and recognition of universally recognized human rights.
2 179 369 people have been supported to effectively manage and monitor public resources.
Participated in VOSIEDA – supported initiatives that have promoted accountability, built inclusive political and civic organizations, promoted citizens’ participation and human rights.
Media and Civil Society Strengthening - 2022
We are delivering technical and advisory services to indigenous communities, civil society, private sector and governments to enhance their development results.
256 CSOs and media institutions have improved their capacities to better serve their communities and other areas.
For example, in Liberia, National Union of Community Forest Development Committee (CFDC) now has increased capacity to advocate and engage with State Actors in forest and land governance processes.
Advocacy & Social Sustainability - 2022
In 2022, we partnered with five multinational companies to implement responsible business practices that align with the ten principles of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.
1,690 households have been empowered to grow their communities sustainably.
Our efforts also focused on advancing broader societal goals, including the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Our strategic actions have helped reduce poverty, promote environmental sustainability, and achieve gender equality, sustainable livelihoods, and healthy lives for communities in a changing climate. Our initiatives have led to the benefit of 45 communities comprising 1,690 households.
Working Toward The Future
Our mission is to promote prosperity, reduce extreme poverty and enhance stability in Liberia and West Africa’s Mano River Union Basin region comprising of Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone.