- Enhanced capacity of Western Africa NSAs to monitor, advocate and engage with State Actors in FLEGT-VPA and REDD+ processes
Expected results:
- Increased organizational and operational capacities of local and national NSAs to undertake participatory and independent monitoring of forest governance and forest land-use change, including changes in livelihoods and social and environmental safeguards;
- Improved transparency, access to information, and accountability in the forest and land sectors;
- Effective engagement of NSAs in FLEGT-VPA and REDD+ processes;
- Viable sub-national, national and cross-border networks of well-informed local non-state actors, and increased cross-border cooperation and information exchanges;
- Information and lessons exchanged with international REDD+ and FLEGT-VPA communities
- Awareness creation, training, and NSAs mobilization
- Develop and implement tools for independent forest and land-use change monitoring
- Building coalitions and networks
- Peer-to-peer experiential learning, promotion of good practices, and technical guidance
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Sharing of lessons and experiences on NSA user-friendly platforms
Key facts
Sector: Capacity Building, Forest Conservation, and Landscape Management
Domain: Forestry and Community
Benefiting zone: Liberia, Ghana, and Ivory Coast
Nature: Performance base contract
Duration: 2017 – 2021
Status: completed