Funders: USAID and Development Alternative Incorporated (DAI)
Duration: 2012-2013
Region: Western Africa
Country: Liberia
Sector: Food Security & Livelihoods Enhancement
The Challenge
Despite its important role in poverty reduction and environmental sustainability, there are key challenges to sustainable peri – urban vegetables production in Liberia. Some of these include inadequate institutional/legal frameworks, limited access to agricultural inputs and post production services, inadequate technical knowledge of peri – urban agricultural practices, organizational constraints, political and socio-cultural biases (lack of support mechanisms) ect.
The intervention
In addressing these constraints, VOSIEDA collaborated with Development Alterative Incorporated (DAI), to implement the Food and Enterprise Development Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture Project with funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The project assisted small-scale urban producers in Bong, Nimba and Lofa Counties to establish value-adding microenterprises and to organize marketing chains for selected products at the local level and for urban markets. The also established a platform on Urban Agriculture will an aim of developing longer-term policies and programs.
Project partners: VOSIEDA (coordination) and DAI, in cooperation with local government, Ministry of Agriculture of Liberia, civil society, research and private sector stakeholders.
- Promote vegetables farming as a business, motivating farmers to carry out market driven vegetables production.
- Address the issues of input supply by supporting local input suppliers and creating local input supply access locally.
- Strengthen farmers’ groups and vegetables cooperatives for sustainable vegetables production.
- Plots measurements for selected sites and layout of standard vegetable field
- Introduce improved water management technology using labor saving technologies
- Stakeholder assessment
- Analysis and participatory innovation development of specific horticulture value chains.
- Analysis of the urban market system and consumer demand; consumer education campaigns
- Visioning and scenario development for UPA in Liberia to contribute to a more resilient agriculture sector.
- Establishment of chain actor platforms for selected products in various urban localities (Bong, Nimba and Lofa) .
- Capacity building/strengthening of value chain actors and extension agents.
- Facilitating support to the processing and marketing of food products.
Project results:
- Training and extension service delivery to urban agriculture producers and processors in selected sectors (training of trainers and extension staff) was improved.
- Small-scale urban farmers trained in improved
- Improved service supply markets to the urban agriculture processing sector (e.g. solar based cold storage; processing equipment and product quality control and improvements, packaging and labelling) facilitated.
- Improved public policy and governance frameworks have been developed enabling a better functioning urban agriculture market system (strategic vision; policies, plans and regulations; protection of productive assets).
Key facts
Sector: Food Security & Livelihoods Enhancement
Domain: Agriculture and Food security
Benefiting zone: Liberia (Bong, Nimba and Lofa Counties)
Nature: Action Grants
Duration: 2012 – 2013
Status: Completed