Ethics And Integrity

We are striving to create an organization that helps encourage employees to behave in a more honorable manner.

"Our organization values ethical behavior in all our dealings with donors, partners, communities, volunteers, beneficiaries and vendors. Our Board of Directors supports these values, and our ethical policies reflect this commitment. We work hard to maintain these standards throughout our entire organization, and we want everyone we work with to know that we are dedicated to doing what is right."

VOSIEDA's Quality Assurance

VOSIEDA prioritizes compliance-based ethics management to maintain high ethical standards. Many organizations treat ethics training as a one-time event during onboarding, limiting its impact. Some may address ethics later through codes of conduct or whistleblowing hotlines, but these don’t foster moral development. To better support employees as ethical individuals, VOSIEDA focuses on compliance-based ethics management.

The Quality and Integrity Manager of VOSIEDA is responsible for overseeing the ethics and compliance program. Our organization strives to maintain a culture of compliance through regular training and communication regarding essential topics. We collaborate with our teams to establish, monitor, and implement policies and procedures to mitigate unethical, illegal, or undesirable practices.

We acknowledge that achieving development results while concurrently observing funding partners and host country regulations necessitates sustained diligence and effort. The high standards we strive to meet not only demonstrate effective compliance with beneficiaries’ needs but also establish essential trust-based relationships that are pivotal to sustainable development.

We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these requirements. If you have any questions or concerns about compliance or ethics, please contact our Quality Assurance Manager directly at If you prefer to remain anonymous, please indicate so in your email. We will promptly address all inquiries. Kindly refer to our complaint procedures below if you have a complaint.

VOSIEDA's Disclaimer

To ensure the highest quality standards, VOSIEDA is dedicated to carefully monitoring the information placed on its website. We maintain a close focus on the content, design, and maintenance of the site to ensure that the information is accurate, up to date, and complete. To ensure reliability, we also check the information received from external sources when possible.

Despite our best efforts, we cannot guarantee that the information presented on our website is always accurate or complete. For this reason, we assume no liability for any inaccuracies, and no rights may be inferred from the information provided on our website. VOSIEDA reserves the right to delete content or make improvements, updates, and changes to the information presented on the website.

You Need to Get Involved

We are pleased to announce successful collaborations with distinguished companies, multilateral institutions, nonprofit organizations, and the entertainment industry. Our shared goal is to address the complex development challenges in West Africa’s Mano River Basin. Our partners contribute significantly, providing financial support, valuable ideas, volunteer efforts, and in-kind resources to help build resilient communities. In conclusion, VOSIEDA is a strong partner for the private sector and anticipates developing more productive partnerships ahead.