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The lack of adequate sanitation coverage continues to pose a significant challenge in Liberia. Open defecation, the primary driver of preventable mortality among children under five, adversely impacts the lives of many Liberians who urgently require change. According to the 2021 Liberia Sanitation Market Assessment conducted by the USAID-funded Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Partnerships and Learning for Sustainability, the prevalence of open defecation in the country remains alarmingly high at 35%.

The government’s previous community-led total sanitation (CLTS) programs, which aimed to create open defecation-free communities, have shown promise. However, significant challenges remain. Alarmingly, around 43% of formerly certified open defecation-free communities have reverted to those practices. This regression is mainly due to non-durable materials in latrine construction and economic barriers preventing people from replacing deteriorated facilities. As a result, many individuals have no choice but to resort to open defecation in fields, bushes, water bodies, and other unprotected areas.

 The Intervention


The Liberia Countywide Sanitation Activity represents a comprehensive five-year initiative designed to eliminate open defecation and attain universal access to basic sanitation across five counties in Liberia: Lofa, Nimba, Bong, Montserrado, and Grand Bassa. This project collaborates closely with governmental entities, the private sector, and community-level partners to stimulate the development of a new market for high-quality, affordable sanitation products and services. Furthermore, it establishes a conducive environment for sustainable market growth, economic opportunities, and significant health benefits.

Expected Results

The Countywide Sanitation Activity is a 5-year, USAID-funded project from 2022 to 2027. Its primary goal is to permanently eliminate open defecation and achieve sustainable basic sanitation across five Liberian counties: Lofa, Nimba, Bong, Grand Bassa, and rural Montserrado.

This comprehensive initiative focuses on four key areas:

1) improving sanitation governance at national and local levels,

2) enhancing the adoption of critical sanitation behaviors,

3) strengthening sanitation markets, and

4) increasing sanitation financing

By combining Areawide Planning and Market-Based Sanitation approaches with behavior change communication, the project aims to create lasting impacts and enhance Liberia’s overall sanitation landscape.


As a subgrantee, VOSIEDA is working in Bong County, Central Liberia, to enhance subnational sanitation governance, promote the adoption of critical sanitation behaviors, strengthen sanitation markets, and increase sanitation financing.

 Key Facts

Sector: Climate and Environmental Sustainability
Domain: Climate-Smart Sanitation
Benefiting zone: Liberia
Nature:  Performance base contract
Duration: 2024 – 2027
Status: Active

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